Are you also struggling to organise your study and get productive?
To help you out, we’ve collected a few resources here to help you plan your study and a few research-based techniques to study productively (even when the sun is shining and you’d rather be doing something else!)

1. Organising your study
Possibly the most common comment I’ve heard from teachers lately is “I don’t know where to start!” Well, to start, you need to make a study plan, selecting the topics to study and deciding how much time to devote to each of them. To do this quickly and clearly, refer to the resources in the section “Organising your study” of our free article.
2. Using the Pomodoro technique
Once you have a plan, it’s time to sit down and get on with it. But how can you stay focused when the sun is shining and you want to be out having ice cream?
Well, an effective technique is the Pomodoro technique: you set a timer for 25 minutes and study, then set another timer for a 5-minute break, and you end up breaking up your study in manageable chunks.
Watch this short video to find out more:
3. Spaced practice
Is it really necessary to cram for 8 hours straight? According to research, maybe not!
Spaced practice means spreading your study over a longer period of time: instead of studying 8 hours in a day, you study one hour a day for 8 days. This is likely to lead to better learning.
Read more about spaced practice here.
4. Interleaving
Interleaving practice makes your learning more effective by focusing on related problems together rather than separately. So, instead of focusing on grammar teaching on Day 1 and Grammar Translation on Day 2, you can focus on both simultaneously.
5. Active retrieval through quizzing
Do you want to remember more concepts for your upcoming quiz-based concorso? Then you’ll need to actively retrieve the information from your memory! It’s not enough to study: for longer-term retention, you also have to actively stimulate your memory by retrieving the information through tests and quizzes: that’s exactly what our quizzes are there for.
Have you ever tried any of these study techniques? If you do, let us know how they work out for you… and good luck with your study!
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